primers for every job
Industry leading brands such a Zinsser, Tikkurila and Fleetwood are all available in our Paint Department from Zinsser 123 and BIN primers to the Colourtrend Prime Range to Fleetwood Pure Grip and Terminator primers. Don’t worry, we know how daunting specialist primers and coatings can be and that’s why our trusted team of experts are on hand to advise you on the right primer for your project.
For external projects we carry an array of primers, paint conditioners and fungicidal solutions. We offer leading brands such as Sandtex and Dulux Stabilizing Solutions, Owatrol E-B mix in bonding primer, Floetrol and more.
no more mould or mildew
Whether it’s blistering external paint, mildew on a bathroom ceiling or even high-grade surface waterproofing we are confident we have the specialist product in stock to solve your decor problem.
We offer mould and mildew resistant coatings such as Zinsser Perma White, Tikkurila Luja, Mould-X and Ronseal Anti Mould Paint. For damp prone areas we carry insulation and anti condensation paints such as Warmcoat and Thermilate Insulation Additive.
For more extreme waterproofing methods we also offer products such as Zinsser Watertite, Thompson’s Waterseal and Panabond Waterstop.
spray your troubles away
Under our roof you will also find a large collection of Spray Paints and Primers. We offer spray paints in standard and special effect finishes from Rust-Oleum and Morris including Metallic and Glitter effect. We also offer Rust-Oleum’s All Surface Spray range allowing you to paint most surfaces without the need for a separate primer.
In our paint store we also offer ranges of chalky finish furniture paints, metallic and special effects paints such as Polyvine Metallic Finishes, glitter paint maker, scumbles and crackle glazes. We also offerprotective coatings such as Polyvine Decorator’s Varnish and much more.